Welcome to wirehead.fm, the music of a keyboardist/guitarist/bassist/vocalist/hacker

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This website should look a little different now
It's generally regarded as stupid to spend a bunch of time writing your own CMS. It's the website equivalent of spending hours fiddling with your vi config. Or the software equivalent of sorting your record collection in biographical order. Heck, I know folks who work on WordPress. They are nice…


Liveness and keytar lust and open mics
I was kinda pondering if I wanted to try and play my music at open mic nights. It's simultaneously nerve-wracking and exciting, really. An audience that likes the music is a boost, an audience bored or put off is a buzzkill... and you can't control other people. I'm not decided in any particular…


Yesterday I learned: Get good monitors
I dono why I tend to assume that my hearing is nothing special, but I've found time and time again that I've got decently perceptive hearing. Yesterday I learned that I can tell the difference between studio monitors that cost $200/pair, $400/pair, and \$1200/pair... and between them and crappy…


Keytar Lust
One of my coworkers told me the other day that he's actually a bit surprised that I've never acquired my very own keytar. I remember the first time I saw a keytar, sometime in the 80s. I don't really think it had properly occurred to me that it was actually the same instrument as a regular keyboard…


Basslines and bass guitars
So, as it turns out, I rather much love the bass guitar. It's a lovely little instrument... perhaps better adjusted for my giant frame than an electric guitar, with a unique variety of sounds and special ability to bind a classic standard rock band together. Given to a mediocre player, it can…